
Proud of our heritage, committed to our future

Sekurit Service is part of the globally active Saint-Gobain family. And we’re proud of that heritage. Our roots are in Europe, where leaders are taking important steps to reduce carbon emissions and create a sustainable future for everyone. We share that mind-set, with quality, care and sustainability at the heart of everything we do.

To us, sustainability is about much more than just reducing our own carbon footprint. We like to take a more holistic approach to sustainability, reducing our impact on the planet for current and future generations by taking all of our own actions, as well as engaging our suppliers, partners and customers. In the fight against climate change, nobody is an island. This is a collective engagement and we want everyone to join us.

Did you know?
In 2020, Sekurit Service was awarded the GOLD MEDAL by Ecovadis, recognising our global Corporate Social Responsibility performance.


Our suppliers make a difference

Fostering change throughout the business value chain starts at the very beginning: with our suppliers. Every supplier we work with has signed the Saint-Gobain supplier charter, which shows their engagement to ethical business practices in a variety of areas, including the right to development, employee rights, occupational health and safety, legal compliance and of course a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint.

Being a Sekurit Service partner means complying with environmental regulations, preferably going above and beyond minimum requirements. We choose providers and subcontractors that share our values, respect human rights and limit their impact on the environment.

At Sekurit Service, our main supplier is Saint-Gobain Glass. Its plants are audited on a regular basis. For our other suppliers, we carry out regular CSR risk analysis and assessments and a continuous due diligence with very high standards, based on stringent Saint-Gobain procedures.

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Our responsible purchasing programme

As part of the Saint-Gobain group, we have a Responsible Purchasing programme recognised in 2021 as well-established by an external auditor under the ISO20400 standard. This audit attested to the solidity and maturity of our programme based on four principles:

•    the signature of the purchasers’ and suppliers’ charter
•    the analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) risks
•    the evaluation of CSR performance
•    the implementation of corrective action plans

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Putting our people front and centre 

Sekurit Service is all about people. That’s why we wish to make our employees ambassadors in our fight against climate change. We do this by raising awareness among our employees through a sharing of best practices and by directly involving them in our efforts to reduce our own carbon footprint. Judging by the enthusiasm at all of our factories and offices, we can proudly say that everyone at our company is fully dedicated to making the world a more beautiful and sustainable place to live in.

--> Achievement: to date we have 92% of our purchasers at Sekurit Service trained on Responsible Purchasing.

--> Objective: by 2025 to have 100% of our purchasers at Sekurit Service trained on Responsible Purchasing.

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Let's get engaged!

At Sekurit Service we encourage our teams to get involved. Our proposed trainings and e-learnings are available to all our employees, these include climate 2050, diversity climate mural. We also encourage employees to become an animator of these trainings, by getting involved they help us to further spread the word! One of the pillars on our sustainability roadmap is to ‘raise awareness and support our collaborators’.

--> Objective: by 2025 our aim is to have 80% of our employees trained with the Climate Fresk.

We all know what’s at stake – the future of our planet. So we ask everyone in our ecosystem to join us in our fight for a better tomorrow. At Sekurit Service, we’ll do our best to make our business more sustainable from our production to distribution, including developing sustainable service for our customers. We hope and expect everyone we engage with to do the same.

Every action counts!

One way to get involved is also to propose projects for the different carbon funds. In this way, by exposing the solutions, learning about the ways to act is more appealing. Every action counts!

Stay tuned on our Made in Europe story, there’s more to follow next month!