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Let's talk about the circular economy

This year, on 2 August to be exact, the NGO Global Footprint Network has calculated that we will reach the "2023 World Overshoot Day". The point at which humanity's demand for ecological resources and services exceeds the amount the Earth can reproduce that year. It is clear that the traditional linear 'take-produce-use-dispose' model is no longer valid. What the world needs is a circular economy.

Maximising the re-production of end-of-life windscreens

While the idea of the circular economy itself is not new, the concept of keeping materials, products and services in circulation for as long as possible has become increasingly important for combating climate change and preserving a habitable planet. According to the United Nations, the extraction and processing of natural resources contributes around half of all global greenhouse gas emissions. This is precisely why, whenever possible, we aim to reintroduce the maximum amount of end-of-life windscreens into our production lines at Saint-Gobain, whether in the production of flat glass or other glass products such as insulation.